Understanding Google’s Third-Party Cookies Phase-Out Extension

In an era where digital privacy is at the forefront of consumer concerns, Google’s latest move to phase out third-party cookies in Chrome has garnered significant attention.

Originally slated for a complete ban by 2024, Google has now introduced a temporary reprieve for select sites, a decision that has implications for businesses and marketers alike.

Today, we’ll go over the implications of this decision for businesses and web developers, offering insights into how they can prepare for the upcoming changes.

Jacqueline Foster
Demand Generation Marketing, Lever.co

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What Are Third-Party Cookies?

Third-party cookies are tracking codes placed on a website visitor’s computer by a website other than the one they are currently visiting. These cookies are commonly used for advertising and tracking purposes, allowing advertisers to track user behavior across multiple websites.

This data is crucial for targeted advertising and understanding consumer preferences. These cookies enable features like retargeting ads and personalized marketing, but have raised concerns regarding privacy and data protection. As the digital landscape evolves, there’s a growing emphasis on privacy, leading to changes in how third-party cookies are used and regulated.

Guide to Tracking Cookies • Cookie Law Info

In other words, Google’s decision to phase out these cookies marks a significant shift towards enhancing user privacy.

This phase-out presents challenges for marketers who rely heavily on third-party data. The inability to track user behavior across sites could lead to less effective targeting and a potential decrease in advertising revenue.

However, it also offers an opportunity to innovate and find new ways of engaging with customers (more on challenges and opportunities below).

Google’s Deprecation Trials: A Temporary Solution

Originally, Google intended to phase out third-party cookie access in Chrome by 2024. However, acknowledging the challenges and functional issues this change might impose on some websites, Google has initiated deprecation trials. This initiative allows selected third-party services temporary access to third-party cookies.

Timeline and Implementation

This temporary access is not indefinite. Approved services can use third-party cookies until the end of 2024 (a grace period until April 1, 2024 is provided for approved sites to implement the necessary changes):

To mitigate the immediate impact of this change, Google has introduced deprecation trials.

A deprecation trial, in the context of software and web development, typically refers to a process where developers and users are given an opportunity to test and adapt to changes before certain features or functionalities are phased out or removed. This approach helps ensure a smoother transition and minimizes disruptions caused by the removal of widely used functionalities.

These trials will allow certain sites to continue using third-party cookies under specific conditions.

Criteria for Eligibility for Deprecation Trials

The deprecation trials have stringent eligibility requirements. Notably, services related to advertising won’t be approved, and stringent criteria are set to ensure only those with genuine functional needs get access. Only services that can demonstrate direct user impact due to the absence of third-party cookies will be considered.

This measure ensures that the extension is used to address genuine functional issues rather than prolonging reliance on outdated tracking methods.

Services and websites that could meet the criteria for Google’s deprecation trials, due to direct user impact from the absence of third-party cookies, generally include those that rely on these cookies for core functionalities, like:

  • E-commerce Websites: For personalized product recommendations based on user browsing history.
  • Online Publishing Platforms: Where cookies are used for personalized content delivery and user engagement tracking.
  • Data Analytics Services: That depend on third-party cookies for in-depth user behavior analysis across multiple sites.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools: That integrate user interaction data from various websites for comprehensive customer profiling.

Keep in mind, though, that the exact services and websites participating in Google’s deprecation trials will be determined based on their specific reliance on these cookies and the impact of their absence.

Preparing for a Cookie-less Future

Businesses must now shift to alternative strategies for tracking and engaging with their audience. In other words, they must re-evaluate current practices and explore new technologies.

Embracing First-Party Data

The focus now shifts towards first-party data.

First-party data is information collected directly by a website or business from its users or customers. This data includes information derived from user interactions with the website, products or services. Examples include data from website analytics (like page views or session duration), customer purchase history, or information provided through forms and surveys.

4 Ways to Collect Valuable First-Party Data in a Cookieless World

This data is valuable for businesses not only because it is specific to their audience, but also because it’s more reliable and privacy-compliant – in other words, it offers insights without compromising user trust.Third-Party Cookies and First-Party Data comparison table

Strategies for Leveraging First-Party Data

Leveraging first-party data involves using the data collected directly from your audience or customers through interactions with your business. This data is valuable as it’s more accurate, relevant and under your control.

Here are some effective strategies for leveraging first-party data:

  • Personalization: Use the data to personalize the customer experience. This can include customizing marketing messages, product recommendations, and content based on the user’s previous interactions and preferences.
  • Customer Segmentation: Segment your audience based on their behavior, interests, or demographic information. This allows for more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.
  • Predictive Analytics: Apply predictive analytics to your first-party data to predict future behaviors and trends. This can help in forecasting sales, identifying potential high-value customers, or understanding which products might be most appealing to certain segments.

predictive analytics

  • Enhanced Customer Service: Use the data to improve customer service. Understanding customer history and preferences can help in providing more efficient and personalized support.
  • Product Development: Leverage the insights gained from the data to inform product development. This can lead to creating products or features that better meet the needs of your customers.
  • Optimizing User Experience: Create compelling and interactive content (like quizzes or polls) that encourage users to engage directly with your site. Analyze the data to understand how customers interact with your website or app and use these insights to optimize the user experience, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  • Compliance and Privacy: Ensure that you’re compliant with data privacy laws like GDPR or CCPA. Being transparent about how you collect and use data can also help in building trust with your customers.
  • Cross-Channel Marketing: Use first-party cookies to create a consistent marketing experience across various channels, whether it be email, social media, or your website.
  • Retention Strategies: Analyze customer lifecycle and engagement to develop strategies for customer retention. Tailor offers and communications to keep your existing customers engaged.
  • Feedback Loop: Use the data to create a feedback loop where customer responses and interactions help in continually refining and improving your strategies.

Remember, the goal is to enhance the customer experience and build a stronger relationship with your audience while respecting their privacy.

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Exploring New Technologies

With the decline of third-party cookies, emerging technologies come to the forefront. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can offer predictive analytics based on user behavior on your site, while blockchain technology could introduce new ways to manage data privacy.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML):

  • Predictive Analytics: AI and ML are powerful in analyzing large sets of first-party data to predict future customer behaviors. By recognizing patterns in browsing history, purchase data, and other interactions, these technologies can forecast trends, potential purchases, and user interests.
  • Personalization at Scale: They can personalize experiences for each user, from product recommendations to tailored content, by learning from individual user actions.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI, especially NLP, can enhance chatbots and customer service, offering personalized support based on the user’s previous interactions and preferences.
  • Automation of Marketing Campaigns: Automating and optimizing email campaigns, social media posts, and other marketing efforts based on user data and engagement trends.

Blockchain Technology:

  • Enhanced Data Privacy and Security: Blockchain can create a secure and transparent framework for managing user data, ensuring data integrity and trust.

How a Blockchain Works

  • Decentralized Data Management: It allows for decentralized data management systems, where users have more control over their data. This is crucial in a post third-party cookie world, where user consent and data privacy are paramount.
  • Smart Contracts for Data Sharing: Implementing smart contracts for user data can enable controlled and consensual data sharing, ensuring compliance with privacy laws:

smart contracts and blockchain

Additional Technologies to Consider:

  • Data Management Platforms (DMPs): With a focus on first-party data, DMPs can help in organizing, analyzing, and activating data effectively across various marketing channels.
  • Customer Data Platforms (CDPs): CDPs create unified customer profiles by integrating data from multiple first-party sources, providing a comprehensive view of the customer.
  • Edge Computing: This involves processing data closer to the source of data generation (i.e., near the user’s device), which can reduce reliance on cookies by enabling real-time data processing and personalization.
  • Server-Side Tracking: This method shifts data collection from the client-side (browser) to the server-side, offering an alternative to traditional cookie-based tracking, with better control and privacy.
  • Contextual Advertising: Instead of relying on user data, this approach focuses on the context of web pages to serve relevant ads. It uses AI to analyze page content and environment to place appropriate ads.
  • Google’s Privacy Sandbox (FLoC and FLEDGE): Familiarize yourself with and consider implementing Google’s Privacy Sandbox initiatives. FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts) enables privacy-preserving group-based targeting, and FLEDGE (First Locally-Executed Decision over Groups Experiment) allows for controlled ad delivery without individual tracking. These tools can help transition away from third-party cookies while maintaining effective advertising capabilities.

The Road Ahead: Challenges and Opportunities

The transition away from third-party cookies will not be without its challenges. Businesses will need to invest in technology and training to adapt to new methods of data collection and analysis. However, this change also presents an opportunity to build a more transparent, trust-based relationship with consumers.


  • Data Collection and Targeting Limitations: The primary challenge is the loss of easy access to user data for tracking and targeting. Third-party cookies have been crucial for tracking user behavior across different websites, enabling detailed user profiling for targeted advertising.
  • Dependency on Third-Party Data: Many businesses rely heavily on third-party data for their marketing strategies. Transitioning away requires a shift in approach and potentially a complete overhaul of digital marketing strategies.
  • Increased Complexity in Ad Measurement and Attribution: Without third-party cookies, it becomes more challenging to accurately track ad performance and user conversions across multiple sites. This can lead to difficulties in measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
  • Privacy Regulation Compliance: Adapting to a more privacy-focused environment involves navigating complex and evolving regulations like GDPR and CCPA, which can be resource-intensive and require constant vigilance.
  • Technology and Infrastructure Overhaul: Companies may need to invest in new technologies or platforms to gather and analyze first-party data, requiring both financial resources and a learning curve.


  • Improved Data Privacy and Trust: The move away from third-party cookies is largely driven by increasing concerns over privacy. Respecting user privacy can build trust and improve brand reputation.
  • Quality over Quantity in Data Collection: Shifting the focus to first-party data encourages businesses to collect more relevant and high-quality data directly from their customers, leading to more meaningful and engaging interactions.
  • Innovation in Advertising and Marketing: This transition pushes marketers to be more creative and innovative, exploring new strategies like contextual advertising, predictive analytics, and consent-based marketing.
  • Enhanced Customer Relationships: By leveraging first-party data and direct interactions, businesses can foster stronger relationships with their customers, leading to increased loyalty and customer lifetime value.
  • Better User Experience: Moving away from intrusive and often irrelevant third-party cookie-based ads can improve the user experience on websites and digital platforms.
  • Adoption of New Technologies: This shift encourages the adoption of emerging technologies like AI, ML, and blockchain for data management and analysis, which can lead to more efficient and effective marketing practices.

Adapting to Change: A Guide for Businesses

To successfully navigate this transition away from third-party cookies, businesses need to:

  • Audit Your Current Practices: Understand your reliance on third-party cookies and identify areas for change.
  • Invest in Technology: Explore tools and platforms that offer alternatives to third-party data tracking.
  • Educate Your Team: Make sure your marketing and IT teams are up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Use this opportunity to open a dialogue with your customers about privacy and data use.
  • Develop First-Party Data Strategy: Create methods to collect and utilize data directly from your customers.
  • Build Direct Customer Relationships: Strengthen your engagement with customers to gain insights and loyalty.
  • Invest in Privacy-Compliant Technology: Choose platforms that align with data privacy laws and ethical standards.
  • Adopt Innovative Advertising: Explore new forms of advertising that respect user privacy and rely less on personal data.
  • Stay Informed and Adaptable: Keep abreast of digital marketing developments and be ready to adapt to changes.

Last Word on Google’s Third-Party Cookie Phase-Out

Google’s phased elimination of third-party cookies signals a significant shift in digital marketing and online privacy. While it poses challenges, it also offers businesses an opportunity to innovate and develop more sustainable, privacy-focused practices. By embracing new technologies and strategies, businesses can navigate this transition successfully.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or unsure about this third-party cookie restriction, don’t worry, Single Grain’s digital marketing experts can help you!👇

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Third-Party Cookies FAQs

  • Is it okay to allow third-party cookies?

    It’s generally safe to allow third-party cookies, but it depends on your privacy preferences. They enable certain website functionalities and personalized content but can also be used for extensive tracking across sites.

  • Why is Google getting rid of third-party cookies?

    Google is phasing out third-party cookies in Chrome to enhance user privacy and security, responding to growing concerns about tracking and data collection practices.

  • What is replacing 3rd party cookies?

    Alternatives like Google’s Privacy Sandbox (including FLoC and FLEDGE), first-party data strategies, contextual advertising, and new technologies like AI and blockchain are emerging to replace third-party cookies. Read the full post above for more on this!

  • What happens if I block all third-party cookies?

    Blocking all third-party cookies can increase your online privacy but might lead to a less personalized web experience and potential issues with some website functionalities that rely on these cookies.

If you were unable to find the answer you’ve been looking for, do not hesitate to get in touch and ask us directly.
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