In this video, Eric Siu explains how you can get your first 1000 qualified leads. Tune in to hear about strategies for optimizing your marketing funnel in the early stages so you can bring in leads that genuinely want what you're selling. With these tips, the second thousand will be a piece of cake.
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Full Transcript of The Video
Here we go. Take a look at the screen and I want to show you. I mean for 2017, these are the number of leads that we drove. These are free consultation and just so you know, I run a marketing agency called the Single Grain, get to work with clients like Uber and Amazon. Funny enough, all of our leads are from inbound, so you can see right here, I'm proving it. We got 1,724 right here. I'm not even talking about emails right here, I'm just talking about leads that are good for our business.
How do you go about doing that? First things first, what you can do is you can go to a website. If you use a tool like Drift for example or you use a tool like Intercom, what you can do is you have live chat on your website. Live chat can actually engage your people when you are actually away and, well, it can actually start to set appointments with people that are on your sales team.
The second thing you can do is you can start doing webinars. Webinars are a great way to get people to build a relationship with you. You can teach them something for 30 minutes or so and then spend 10-15 minutes or so pitching them on something. What you can do with the webinar afterwards is you can repurpose it, you can actually set it into an evergreen webinar using a tool like EverWebinar and then from there you're able to run paid traffic to it and you're generating leads on autopilot.
If you don't have money for paid advertising, what you can do is you can collaborate with other people and offer to do webinars with them. If you're kind of new to this space as well, you've got to offer something else, so if they have a much bigger audience than you do, but maybe you can offer them a slot on your podcast for example, you can do that. Actually, every single client that's worked with us that has come from the podcast, they actually stay with you a lot longer because they know and they like you.
How can you build a relationship with people? You can do videos, you can do videos like this, you can do podcasts, you can go out there, you can go speak, go speak for free first because everyone's looking for speakers all the time. There's just a lot of ways that you can do this. Make sure that you set up marketing automation as well. You can use a tool like Drip or you can use a tool like Marketo. There's a lot of marketing automation tools out there. I use Drip because it's simple and easy to use, tagging and all of that, but there are more sophisticated tools that you can use from a marketing automation perspective.
The key thing here is that you don't try to do too many things at once because if you try to do too many things at once, you end up going nowhere. That's really important and well, if you enjoyed this video, just, well, go ahead and hit and hit subscribe, but before you go I want to ask you, if you felt like you actually leveled up from this, you felt like you actually got a power up from it, I want you to leave a comment and tell me what you're going to do with this afterwards. Hit subscribe and we'll see you tomorrow.