How to position your podcast against your competition

Podcast success isn't easy. If you're wondering how to rank a podcast in iTunes and Stitcher and how to beat the competition, then this is one of the best podcast tutorials for you. Increase your podcast skills and get podcast subscribers. Eric Siu shares his strategies for how to get noticed in iTunes and podcast marketing in general.


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Full Transcript of The Video

Eric Siu: In this video, we're gonna talk about how you can position your podcast against the competition.
Everybody is starting a podcast nowadays. Right? I've seen my friends starting it. I see other people on the net just randomly deciding that they wanna start a podcast. The question is, "How do you stand out?"
The average downloads for new podcasts, that are just coming out, we're talking maybe it's a little over a hundred. To think about how you can stand out to get your podcast to a couple hundred thousand, or millions of downloads a month, you have to figure out how you can position yourself.
You have to have a unique spin and a unique point of view, because it's all about the content at the end of the day. Marketing School is a daily marketing podcast, it's with two people, my podcast cohost Neil Patel. He's well known in the digital marketing space. We just like to nerd out on it, and you get two different perspectives.
Our unique spin is we have two different perspectives on it. It's every single day, and it's very digestible, so it's only five to 10 minutes long. Then you just got on to the next things. For us, it's very tactical. We give people something to do. It's very similar to this, then you just move on to the next thing.
If you look at Tim Ferriss for example, of the Tim Ferriss Show, he interviews people that most people can't get access to, so we're talking Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tony Robins, Jocko Willink, the Navy Seal Commander. These are people that I don't really have access to.
Growth Everywhere, my other show, I talk to many entrepreneurs, mostly in tech. So that's kind of my spin on it, and I talk mostly around marketing personal growth, because that's what I like.
Marketing School is just strictly on marketing, and I really like marketing. Think about how you can set yourself apart, and we all have a unique story. Right? The fact that you're watching this right now probably means you're well positioned to start your own podcast and you have a unique story and don't think that you can't do this. I think everyone can certainly do it.
Also, like this video, think about can you make it short, does it need to be really long? Tim Ferriss' stuff, it's sometimes up to two hours or so. My interviews may be 20, 30 minutes or so. These are like five to 10 minutes or so, well these are only five minutes or so, but Marketing School, is like five to 10 minutes or so.
Anyway, if you like videos like this, go ahead and hit subscribe and we'll see you in the next video.

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