How to Get More Business Value Out of LinkedIn | Ep. #394

In Episode #394, Eric and Neil discuss how to get more business value out of LinkedIn. Tune in to learn how LinkedIn is enhancing its platform to create more engagement amongst its users, and the very real benefits of updating your LinkedIn profile daily. 

Time Stamped Show Notes:

  • 00:27 – Today’s topic: How to Get More Business Value Out of LinkedIn
  • 00:34 – Eric is really spending time on LinkedIn at the moment
  • 00:48 – Eric and Neil are both posting on LinkedIn every day and the engagement is great
  • 01:29 – Spend just a couple of minutes every morning to update your LinkedIn to engage with your audience
  • 02:00 – With LinkedIn, you have to participate
  • 02:11 – Neil takes his most popular blog on LinkedIn by posting the first few sentences and adding a read more link
    • 02:20 – It drives tons of traffic
  • 02:28 – Neil participates in groups and messages potential business partners using his personal account
  • 02:41 – Just last month, Neil generated more revenue on LinkedIn than Facebook
  • 02:50 – LinkedIn now can target companies in groups
  • 03:10 – Things are ramping up on LinkedIn and video advertising is becoming a big thing
  • 03:37 – Eric uses Dux-Soup with LinkedIn Helper which allows you to visit targeted multiple profiles
  • 04:39 – Marketing School is giving away a free 1 year subscription of Crazy Egg which is a visual analytics tool
  • 05:24 – That’s it for today’s episode!

3 Key Points:

  1. Post daily updates to have a consistent engagement.
  2. LinkedIn is adding more features that let you interact with a targeted audience.
  3. Advertising on LinkedIn is also improving and its video ads will be the next big thing.

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Full Transcript of The Episode

Speaker 1: Get ready for your daily dose of marketing strategies and tactics from entrepreneurs with the guile and experience to help you find success in any marketing capacity. You're listening to marketing school with your instructors Neil Patell and Eric Sue.

Eric Sue: Welcome to another episode of marketing school. I'm Eris Sue.

Neil Patell: And I'm Neil Patell.

Eric Sue: And today we're going to talk about how to get more business value out of LinkedIn. So just to paint a little more context into this, I'm really big on LinkedIn right now, I think what Microsoft- I'm just gonna give Microsoft the credit because it seems like a lot of this stuff that's been happening afterwards has been Microsoft or all the good stuff that has been happening around LinkedIn has been after disclination, so when I look at LinkedIn now, you can see Neil's posting something every day, I'm posting something almost every single day, and the engagement on it is pretty good, right? If you write something really good, your first degree connections will see it, if it's actually really good, they like it, they share it, they comment on it. Then the second degree connections start to see it, and it starts to blow up from there.
The good thing about LinkedIn is that people are there to do business with each other, when you add value there, especially looking at all the content that Neil produces, all the content that I produce, it just makes sense to use it, because often times I think if you log into LinkedIn now, you're going to see a really engaging post, and it's somebody just riffing on something that came to their mind. It could just be about oh, something happened to me today and this is why you need to hire great people, whatever it is exactly, just think about how you can use, if you have a good idea in the morning, spend five minutes or so just write it out on LinkedIn, and you'd be surprised at the types of results that you see.
In general, what I'm seeing with these text posts is that you should just focus on texts, and then there's other things like if you add in a link, engagement might drop, or if you add in a picture, engagements gonna drop too, ironically. So that's just one way to get more value out of LinkedIn, and there's a lot more.

Neil Patell: Funnily enough, Eric was the one who told me you should share updates daily on LinkedIn, and my results were crazy. Some of mine get thousands and thousands of likes or shares, I don't know what it's called on LinkedIn. Bu the big thing is, you have to participate. The more engaged you are on LinkedIn, the better off you're gonna do. What we do to participate to drive business from LinkedIn, is I put a status update once a day, I take my most popular blog post and I add the first few paragraphs to LinkedIn, and then I put a click to continue reading link at the end of the first few paragraphs. It drives a ton of traffic back to my site. I share all my blog posts on LinkedIn as well as I share it to groups. I also participate in groups, and then my guys also direct message companies that we think would be a great fit as customers using my LinkedIn profile.
Combined with all of that, we generate quite a bit of revenue from LinkedIn, and I believe last month we generated more revenue from LinkedIn than what we did from Facebook.

Eric Sue: Yeah, and I mean speaking of Facebook, Facebook is- a lot of people are using it for advertising, if you look at LinkedIn now, just to give a recap of what we talked about last time, you can submit- let's say you're doing account based marketing, well you can put in all those companies, all the company names, and you can put them into a target group on LinkedIn, and you can target those people, and you can make a retargeting list of people on your site as well. And you can also take emails and upload them as well. So they are ramping things up, and they also are- they're adding auto play videos too without sound, you can just add a transcript to it. So those are rolling out to people, and it's only going to get bigger and bigger, and I can see video advertising becoming a big thing with LinkedIn in the coming months as well.
Neil, anything else?

Neil Patell: Nope, that's it from my end.

Eric Sue: Great, so I mean the only other thing that I'll add around LinkedIn, is I love it, also for- there's something I use called Duck Soup, and Duck Soup- and also LinkedIn helper as well, I think it's called Linked helper? It allows you to broadcast your first degree connections that's linked helper. Duck Soup allows you to visit a bunch of profiles that you're kind of specified in LinkedIn recruiter, or LinkedIn sales navigator. You can just visit these profiles, so if I'm Neil for example, and say hey you know I'm Neil Patell, I'm looking to hire paid advertising managers, I'm looking to hire sales people, and he visits a bunch of sales people, guess what? Those people are going to visit back and then Neil can basically, he can add them. And with LinkedIn, Linked Helper, you can set a lot of different automations, so when people add you, first degree connections, you can send an auto message to them and things like that. So there's a lot of different tools out there, so you have Duck Soup, 15 bucks a month. Linked helper, I don't know how much it is, I forgot. I think if you add in recruiter, that's about 119 bucks a month, we pay for that. And them sales manager, I think it's a little less.
So a lot of different things you can do with LinkedIn, people are there to do business, and I'm just excited to see that there's a lot of new stuff that's coming out. So anyway, before we go, we have a one year annual subscription of Crazy Egg that we would like to give to you. So Neil, what is Crazy Egg?

Neil Patell: Sure, Crazy Egg is a visual analytics tool, it'll show you what people click, where they don't on your site, it'll create mouse movement like videos that you can end up watching to show you where people are getting stuck, it even tells you what form fields and areas on your site are causing your conversions to drop. You can then make changes using Crazy Eggs WIZI Wig editor, and you can run split tests to make sure those changes are maximizing your sales, revenue, and leads.

Eric Sue: Great, so if you want to get in on this giveaway, you can actually have multiple entries, so just go to, we're giving away one of these every single week for the next year, so 52, quantities are limited, so again, And we will see you tomorrow.

Speaker 1: This session of marketing school has come to a close. Be sure to subscribe for more daily marketing strategies and tactics to help you find the success you've always dreamed of. And don't forget to rate and review, so we can continue to bring you the best daily content possible. We'll see you in class tomorrow, right here on marketing school.

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