The Three Best Marketing Strategies | Ep. #639

In episode #639, Eric and Neil discuss the three best marketing strategies. Tune in to hear what three things you should be doing to increase your conversions.


  • [00:27] Today’s Topic: The Three Best Marketing Strategies
  • [00:46] Posting less on Facebook, actually gets you more traffic.
  • [01:14] Share your best pieces and you will get higher engagement.
  • [01:40] Eric’s office has printed out and posted the Content Re-usage Workflow.
  • [02:00] The framework says to start with a foundation, which will then give you options to spin the content down the line.
  • [02:54] Google Analytics can now show you each person’s entrypoint to your site and what is causing a conversion.
  • [03:05] Take the conversion data and take the low click-rate stuff and repurpose it.
  • [04:15] Traffic that doesn’t convert isn’t worth your time.
  • [04:37] That’s all for today!
  • [04:44] Go to for a special marketing tool giveaway!

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Full Transcript of The Episode

Speaker 1: Get ready for your daily dose of marketing strategies and tactics from entrepreneurs with the guile and experience to help you find success in any marketing capacity. You're listening to Marketing School with your instructors Neil Patel and Eric Siu.

Eric Siu: Welcome to another episode of Marketing School. I'm Eric Siu.

Neil Patel: And I'm Neil Patel.

Eric Siu: And today we're going to talk about the three best marketing strategies, starting with Neil.

Neil Patel: Oh, yay. I was actually wondering, is Eric going to do two of them, or am I going to do two of them? All right, so the first strategy I have for you, this one is really silly. Most people haven't done it, but I was looking at a lot of data and testing this out, I've found that posting less on Facebook gets you more traffic.
And the reason being is when you post too much content, you're fatiguing your audience, and it's scoring up your score because they're looking at a ratio of how many of your friends are engaging with each piece of content out there. But when you produce less content, they engage way more, and when they engage way more, they look at it percentage wise. So then as you share links to your website, they show it more, and much more people are going to link to you.
So in other words, share less content on Facebook, but share your best pieces. You'll get a higher engagement percentage, because people will want to engage with that content, they won't be overwhelmed. And you'll notice way more traffic going to your website. I tested this out for a week and we already noticed I think it was like a 36 or 37% increase in Facebook traffic.

Eric Siu: Yeah, and I think the one I've talked about in the past that I continue to refer to just because it's worked so well, it's worked so well that in fact we print out this framework and we put it in our office. So, this is the content re-usage framework by [inaudible 00:01:47]. And again, it ties into most of you that are probably producing content right now, it's in your interest to re-purpose, upgrade, expand the content that you have already to make it go as far as it can go.
And again, start with a blog post perhaps, or it could be a video, maybe you like doing videos, maybe you like doing podcasts. Start with the foundation first and then from there you can re-purpose it ... you can expand it first if it's not that long, if you look at Wikipedia they're always constantly expanding their posts, and they convert it into different formats, such as a video, such as an Amazon Poly for example, or a Reddit blog post. You just have a lot of different options there, and that framework allows you to make one piece perhaps into five, ten, fifteen pieces of content. And it makes your life easier because you don't have to keep ideating, you can really just build off a lot of the stuff that you have already.
And by the way, maybe we should retitle this to the three best marketing strategies right now, in our head.

Neil Patel: Meh, three best, this is fine. We can always do them later on.
All right, so the third one, for the third one I want you guys to go into your Google Analytics. If you don't have goal tracking or conversion tracking set up, make sure you set that up, because this won't work as well without that. Now, Google can tell you the first entry point people are getting to your website that's causing a conversion.
Once they have that it will take some time, because you're going to have to populate some conversion data. Once you have that, I want you to go into Google search console, look for the pages that are blog posts, or pages that you can modify and add text to, that aren't just the most trafficked pages, but also the most trafficked pages that are causing conversions. And go and add in all the other keywords that Google's showing that you're getting impressions for, but you're not getting too many clicks for.
By re-doing that, not only will you get more search traffic, because your post is now more in-depth and thorough and includes more keywords, but you're also going to get traffic that converts into sales, because you've just focused your energy on re-writing the pages that are causing the most conversions.
I see a lot of people using this strategy to modify their most trafficked pages, and I was looking at one of my buddies analytics, and he gets a shit ton of traffic on how to get more Instagram followers. He's like, "Look at how much more traffic I'm getting. I grew it from 20 something thousand to over 60,000 a month. This is amazing." And then when we looked at that page, it wasn't even causing 1% of his conversions. That's after he got those extra visitors.
Now, before then it still wasn't even causing 1%, it was so small. I'm like, "Dude, why did you spend all this time getting more traffic that doesn't convert?" He's like, "Ah, it's going to help build a brand." I'm like, "No it's not, they're irrelevant. They don't care about your products and services." And I'm like, "If you spent that time re-writing the pages that are causing conversions, you'd be way better off, because not only is it relating better to the people who want to buy from you, and you're creating a better experience for them, but you're also generating more revenue at the same time."
So that's it, those are the three, unless you have any more there?

Eric Siu: No, there's plenty more to add, but I think we should keep it at three. So that's it for today, go to to check out our marketing tools to grow your business, and we'll see you tomorrow.

Speaker 1: This session of Marketing School has come to a close. Be sure to subscribe for more daily marketing strategies and tactics to help you find the successful you've always dreamed of. And don't forget to rate and review so we can continue to bring you the best daily content possible. We'll see you in class tomorrow right here on Marketing School.

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