How to Drive Traffic to Your Website Using YouTube | Ep. #482

In Episode #482, Eric and Neil discuss how to drive traffic to your website using YouTube. Tune in to learn how you can boost your ranking by having transcriptions on your website, linking to your site from your video, asking for people to visit your site from the video, and using YouTube advertising.

Time-stamped show notes:

  • [00:29] – Today’s topic: How to Drive Traffic to Your Website Using YouTube
  • [00:35] – Make sure that you are transcribing your videos using a tool like Rev or finding a virtual assistant from OnlineJobs
  • [00:48] – Make sure you have something for the search engines to crawl and have different pages on your site. Also make sure you are interlinking.
  • [01:21] – YouTube gives you more views and authority the longer you keep people on YouTube.
  • [01:43] – YouTube is owned by Google and has advertising that you can use to drive people back to your website.
  • [02:05] – There may be a higher barrier to entry on YouTube, but you can even make selfie videos.
  • [02:26] – Telling people within your video to go check out your page generates traffic.
  • [02:48] – Look at YouTube analytics and see how people subscribe to your channel on your channel page. Put in a link back to your website.
  • [03:16] – The more videos you produce the bigger brand you will create.
  • [03:51] – It’s important to be consistent. 10,000 subscribers is the inflection point.
  • [04:23] – That’s it for today!
  • [04:25] – Marketing School is giving away 90-day FREE trial to Crazy Egg which is a visual analytics tool
  • [04:31] – Go to to get your FREE copy

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Full Transcript of The Episode

Speaker 1: Get your daily dose of marketing strategies and tactics from entrepreneurs with the guile and experience to help you find success in any marketing capacity. You're listening to Marketing School, with your instructors, Neil Patel and Eric Siu.

Eric Siu: Welcome to another episode of Marketing School. I'm Eric Siu.

Neil Patel: And I'm Neil Patel.

Eric Siu: And today we're going to talk about how to drive traffic to your website using YouTube.
This is a tip I've given before. First thing you want to do is make sure that you're transcribing your videos using a tool like Rev, or you can do it by hand, you can hire a virtual assistant, maybe from the Philippines, But what you've got to do is make sure you're transcribing the search agents can crawl it, and you have different pages on your website. And then, you know, for each kind of post or video, you have the transcription in there, it's going to get crawled by search engines and you're going to start to grow that way. Make sure you're also interlinking and things like that. So, that's way number one.

Neil Patel: And it's funny, I've tried wave number one, it gets you some traffic but the problem with it is these transcriptions don't generate enough traffic. With YouTube videos, you can add links at the end back to your site that does help. And I've tried it, it generates quite a bit of traffic from YouTube, but there's a problem with it as well. It actually penalizes your overall YouTube score, so YouTube gives you more views and more suggestions, and more authority, if you keep people on YouTube longer. So the more you drive them off back to your website, the lower your YouTube authority is going to be. But, by doing that, you're also generating more visitors back to your site.

Eric Siu: Okay, and this one seems like a very duh answer right, but YouTube, guess what, YouTube is owned by Google. YouTube has YouTube advertising, so you can drive people back to your website. You want to drive them to your landing page, you want to drive them to a free offer, maybe an ebook. You could use YouTube ads to drive people back to your website, or you can re-target people to your website. And a lot of people, I don't know why they're sleeping on YouTube ads, maybe it's because there's a high barrier to entry on making the videos, but even if you make a selfie video, I've seen a lot of people making selfie videos, those tend to work. So I mean, you can drive, you know, low-cost per click traffic back to your site and hopefully it works out for the cost per acquisition that you're aiming for.

Neil Patel: Yeah, you can also tell people on the video itself to go check out your site or go check on a page. You don't necessarily have to link. But by telling people within your video, "Hey go check out this page." Or, "Click this link." Versus just adding it, you generate way more traffic versus just then adding a link or expecting people to watch a video with your logo in there and be like, "Oh cool, it's a video by Neil Patel. I'm going to go check out" That doesn't really happen, unless you tell people within your video to go to check out your site.

Eric Siu: Yeah, and believe it or not, a lot of people actually subscribe to your channel on your channel page. So if you look at your YouTube analytics, you can see that. That's the case for most people, that's certainly the case for me. So in your intro video on your channel page, you can do exactly what Neil just said. Hey, also you know, subscribe to the channel, but if you want to check out more stuff like this, drop a link in there. And also in your banner section, you can add a few links over there to drive people back to your website.

Neil Patel: Yeah, and keep it up in quantity. The more quantity of videos you end up producing, the bigger the brand you're going to build. And if you do it for a year, what I found is naturally, people just come back to your site. My friend Adam, he's been doing it, and I was analyzing his stats and that's where I learned that. Because I assumed that, hey if you just create videos no one's going to come back to your site and you're not going to get any conversions. He doesn't drive people back to his site, but by him doing consistent videos for a few years, most of his traffic is from serving what we found is, people were just like, "Oh yeah, saw your YouTube video and now we're at your site."

Eric Siu: Yeah, and just be consistent with the stuff. I mean, as Neil said, right. So when we talked to the, there's a girl we had in our conference, a friend of ours, and she has a YouTube channel, right, and basically what you can do when it comes to YouTube, is I mean, when you get to 10,000 subscribers, so that is the inflection point, right, when you hit 10,000 that's when things start to grow a lot faster according to what she said, and according to other YouTubers that I've talked to. So you've just got to be patient. I mean, this podcast we started smaller and it grew. It just takes time. My first initial podcast, after the first year, I was getting nine downloads a day. From there you can continue to scale up, and you can just stick with it, and you know, great things start to happen. But just make sure you're consistent and make sure you don't suck.
That's it for today, but before we go, we have a 90-day free trial of Crazy Egg to give away to each and every one of you. Just go to to learn more. And you can also learn more about how you can get the one-year annual subscription as well. So that's it for today again, and we'll see you tomorrow.

Speaker 1: This session of Marketing School has come to a close. Be sure to subscribe for more daily marketing strategies and tactics to help you find the success you've always dreamed of. And don't forget to rate and review, so we can continue to bring you the best daily content possible. We'll see you in class tomorrow, right here on Marketing School.

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