Are you missing steps on your Facebook ad campaign strategy? In this Facebook advertising tutorial, Jeff Richards and Eric Siu from Single Grain share a foolproof 6 point checklist to make sure you're putting all the right stops when it comes to your advertising strategy.
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Full Transcript of The Video
Jeff Richards: My name's Jeff and I'm going to walk you through the Facebook checklist. Number one. Have really good creative. You want to make sure that you have really engaging creative, whether it be an image or a video, to catch the user's eye to stop them from scrolling through their newsfeed.
If you don't have your own photography, you can use a great stock photo website like Twenty20, for example, has really great authentic looking photos. A great image or video is really crucial here. It's the first thing that users focus on before the headline and the copy.
Number two. Persuasive text. The length of your text really depends on your vertical or product that you're selling and how much your audience knows about your product or vertical. What you'll want to do here is really speak to your audience, depending on their knowledge level of what you're selling.
So if you're selling an eCommerce product, something like shoes, for example, you probably want your copy to be pretty short and longer copy would probably turn your audience off to your product. However, if you're selling something like an information product or a technical service you may want to have longer copy so that you have more of a chance to persuade your audience. You want to inform them a little bit about your product so they click through and convert.
Number three. Audience targeting. Test different audiences. You can go both broad, where you can get really low cost and then get some insights from the different demo breakdowns and how the audience is performing and you can also go really narrow and layer over different interests and behaviors over each other. Going more narrow will yield higher costs to reach people, but also a high conversion rate. So find a balance between the two and test out a bunch of different variations.
Number four. Set the right objectives based on your business goal. This is going to depend also on the volume of conversions that you're getting. Facebook's algorithm optimizes best when you're getting at least 15 to 25 conversions within a week. So if you have your conversion goal set up to be a purchase event and you're only getting three purchases a week, you may want to set that conversion event back a little bit, back to the add to cart or landing page view, or even a link click, for example, so that you get enough data to feed into the Facebook algorithm so that it optimizes correctly.
Number five. Make sure your landing page is congruent with your ad. Users will bounce immediately if they hit your landing page and it isn't what they expected and it isn't in line with your ad copy, your ad creative, or the quality of your ad.
Number six. Refresh creative. Click through rates will decrease significantly if your frequency has hit two or 2.5 for an individual ad. So look at the ad level and determine if the frequency has gotten up a little too high and then also look and see if the click through rates have dropped a bit. If click through rates are dropping, that means it's time to refresh your creative.
Alright, that's the Facebook checklist. Thanks and back to you, Eric.
Eric Siu: If you enjoyed the power ups from this video, go ahead and leave a comment. Tell me what you're going to do to actually level up. If you enjoyed this video, go ahead and hit subscribe as well and we'll see you tomorrow.