The Simplest Way to Bring People Back to Your Website | Ep. #641

In episode #641, Eric and Neil discuss the simplest way to lure people back to your site. Tune in to hear how you can increase your traffic and conversions.


  • [00:27] Today’s Topic: The Simplest Way to Bring People Back to Your Website
  • [00:55] You either collect emails or get them to opt into push notifications. Then you have to continually urge them back to your site.
  • [01:10] You can also get people to follow your social profiles, but they don’t convert.
  • [02:00] Subscribers is a great email service, but you can also use ManyChat to push people back to your site.
  • [02:40] Try retargeting, as well. Google Retargeting and you will probably come across Neil.
  • [03:07] It is just putting a pixel on your site that alerts ad networks and lets them track visitors.
  • This will then allow ad networks to spot your visitors and post relevant ads in their browser that will send them back to your site.
  • [03:20] However, retargeting is expensive.
  • [03:27] Neil agrees that email is a great technique and likes Mobile Monkey.
  • [03:45] It’s harder to get traffic from Facebook ads now, so you should leverage sure things like email and chatbot marketing.
  • [03:53] That’s it for today!
  • [03:58] Go to for a special marketing tool giveaway!

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Full Transcript of The Episode

Voiceover: Get ready for your daily dose of marketing strategies and tactics from entrepreneurs with the guile and experience to help you find success in any marketing capacity. You're listening to Marketing School with your instructors Neil Patel and Eric Siu.

Eric Siu: Welcome to another episode of Marketing School. I'm Eric Siu.

Neil Patel: And I'm Neil Patel.

Eric Siu: And today we are going to talk about the simplest way to bring people back to your website. Neil, what could that possibly be?

Neil Patel: Well, there's two ways. People are going to visit your website, and the chances are, most are not going to come back. If you have a strong brand like Amazon or Nike, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, you don't really have to worry about this, but I'm going to take a guess out here that most of you don't have one of those popular brands because there's not too many of them in the world.
If you want to get people back, there's two main ways you can do it. You either collect emails or you get them to opt into push notifications. It's going to be one or the other and then you have to continually push them back to your site. Most people will say, "Hey, there's another one. I can get people to subscribe to all my social channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc, and then I can get them to come back to my website from there." Let me ask you a question, Eric. You have people following you on all these social profiles, how much traffic do you get from these social profiles each month, percentage of your 100,000 visitors?

Eric Siu: My God, like 1%.

Neil Patel: It's terrible.

Eric Siu: Yeah.

Neil Patel: And you can increase that percentage over time, but it's very rare to have that percentage over 10% unless you're doing things like paid advertising or you just have naturally viral content. Emails and push notifications are the easiest and best ways to get people back to your site.

Eric Siu: Yeah, and so, actually building on what Neil was saying around push notifications, you can certainly use, and then you have other options, email, right? Also, the thing we've talked about a couple of times is you can certainly use chat. You can use Facebook chat. We don't know what's going to happen after the whole Cambridge Analytica fiasco, but as of now, you can use a mini chat, for example, and then try to push people back to your site. I see a lot of people doing it. I'm subscribed to Seth Godin's bot, a bunch of other people's bots, and I actually click through sometimes to look at their content. It's a very simple way of pushing their RSS to the chat bot. That's just another way of doing push notifications. It's just on a different platform and the open rates are still really high right now. I'm seeing 60% plus on something that's on full automated, so that could work well for you. I think we didn't ... ? Did we talk about retargeting here?

Neil Patel: We didn't talk about retargeting. Retargeting's an easy way as well.

Eric Siu: Yeah, retargeting too. Check out retargeting. I think literally if you Google retargeting, Neil probably ranks two five for that. Google what retargeting is. Find out what that is. Retarget on ... Neil and I have talked about are going direct to the platforms instead of using something like an AdRoll, but going to Facebook, going to Google to retarget, going to LinkedIn to retarget as well, going to Twitter to retarget, going to YouTube to retarget.

Neil Patel: Yeah, and what retargeting is is just putting a pixel on your website so that ad networks know that, "Hey, these are all your visitors." That way, when they browse the web, they can show them relevant ads to get them back to your website. The problem with retargeting is it works great. It's just expensive, as long as you're willing to spend money, you're good on that end. Eric made a good point with the chat bots. They're great. I love MobileMonkey. That one's by Larry Kim. It's an amazing tool because it's built by a marketer for marketers, so I prefer it overall to others.
Here's the thing. With these chatbots, you should leverage them. It goes back to social, in which Facebook was really easy to get traffic from years and years ago. Same with a lot of the LinkedIns and the Twitters, but they're making it harder and harder and who knows what's going to happen in the future? If you're going to use chat, check out MobileMonkey. That's it for today. I'm just doing this video right here. That's it for today. Go to to learn more and to get access to our marketing tools to grow your business. See you later.

Voiceover: This session of Marketing School has come to a close. Be sure to subscribe for more daily marketing strategies and tactics to help you find the success you've always dreamed of. Don't forget to rate and review so we can continue to bring you the best daily content possible. We'll see you in class tomorrow right here on Marketing School.

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