The Best Hack to Building Thousands of Backlinks Fast | Ep. #687

In episode #687, Eric and Neil discuss the best hack for building thousands of backlinks. Tune in to find out the simplest way to get more site traffic.


  • [00:27] Today’s Topic: The Best Hack to Building Thousands of Backlinks Fast
  • [00:45] Go to AHREFS and see which of your competitors is getting the most traffic.
  • [01:15] Take your competitors top blog posts and turn them into infographics. Use 99Designs or Dribble.
  • [01:38] Contact all the people who like the top blog posts and direct them to your infographic.
  • [02:30] There was a HubSpot employee whose data Neil cited and used. When Neil’s infographics based on his work got more traffic, the HubSpot employee was understandably pissed.
  • [02:53] News Jacking covers this topic of poaching/re-imagining others’ work.
  • [03:12] Neil bought out another site that now redirects to
  • [03:55] Look up the skyscraper technique on Backlinko. This will help you re-imagine blog posts.
  • [04:22] That’s all for today!
  • [04:24] Go to for a special marketing tool giveaway!

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Full Transcript of The Episode

Announcer: Get ready for your daily dose of marketing strategies and tactics from entrepreneurs with the guile and experience to help you find success in any marketing capacity. You're listening to Marketing School, with your instructors, Neil Patel, and Eric Siu.

Eric Siu: Welcome to another episode of Marketing School. I'm Eric Siu.

Neil Patel: I'm Neil Patel.

Eric Siu: Today, we're going to give you the best hack to building thousands of back links really fast, and Neil was one of the pioneers of doing this, if not the pioneer. Neil, can you speak to what you did with one of your companies in the past?

Neil Patel: This is the simplest strategy to building links ever. First off, go to hrefs, and see who links to all your competitors. Right? The way you do this is, or, that's actually the wrong way to phrase it. Go see which one of your competitors is getting the most traffic. So you can type in the URLs, and it shows you their estimated search traffic.
You then go look at their most popular pages, and you see which ones get the most traffic. You can also see which people, or who, are linking to those specific pages, like, which sites.
Now that you have your list, you're going to take those top blog posts, and you jut make them visual. Here's what I mean by that. Go to 99 Designs, or go to Dribble, D-R-I-B-B-L-E, dot com. Pay a designer to create an info graphic of that blog post. Cite them.
Tell people that, how you got the data from that blog spot, and then you go to all the people who link to it, and it's like, "Hey, I notice you link to X, Y and Z blog post. I just made the whole into an info graphic. Check it out. I think it'll be easier for your users to understand. If you like it, feel free to embed it onto your site, as well." And just even give them the embed code.
By doing that, you get a shit ton of links. That's how we grew KISSmetrics super fast, and we generated tens and thousands of back links from infographics, by just looking at the most popular articles online, and generating links from it.

Eric Siu: Don't you have this guys have, there's this one past, I think you wrote ... maybe on Quick Sprout, or Neil Patel, about how much revenue and how much total back links you've generated, from doing the infographics?

Neil Patel: Yeah, that was an old post. That was on Quick Sprout, and I talked about, how I generated X thousand links from something like, 50 infographics, or something like that.

Eric Siu: Yeah.

Neil Patel: And it worked so well. I remember, there was an ex-HubSpot employee, named Dan Zarrella, okay?

Eric Siu: Yeah, yeah.

Neil Patel: Who, we took his data. We cited him, and we mentioned him in multiple places throughout the info graphic, and we got more social shares and more links than his original post, and he got really upset about that.

Eric Siu: Eh?

Neil Patel: Yup.

Eric Siu: What can you do? Actually, there's a book that's kind of related to that, and in a similar vein, but it's called Newsjacking. So that's a similar thing, where you can just kind of, hop on a trend, for example, and then, kind of siphon the traffic. But, anyway, I digress.
So, to Neil's point, I mean, the infographics, they certainly work really well, and Neil, I think you're in the process of getting that KISSmetrics blog back?

Neil Patel: Correct. I bought the website back, and then, in June 2018 ... which, technically, we're in, so I don't know when you guys are listening to this. But in June 2018, you'll see it merged over into the Neil Patel site.

Eric Siu: Three days, from this one.

Neil Patel: Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's true.

Eric Siu: Right, it is.

Neil Patel: June 21st. That's three days. I'm really excited, because I bought it, not for the SEO juice, not for the links, but they just undermonetize it, and I was like, "Oh, why not just throw up a shitload of lead gen, and send it to my sales reps, and see how many consulting leads I can close?"

Eric Siu: Right. So you can do the infographics. It definitely works, and I think, also, kind of to Neil's Point about taking a piece of content out there that's really good, and then just making it into an infographic. Or doing something really nice with it. Maybe you can make it a skyscraper-type of post.
I recommend Googling "skyscraper technique," back link [inaudible 00:03:57], and then, looking at that, and that's basically making a 10X piece of content that's better than everything the Top Three positions on Google, out there, and doing the outreach that way. And you can do the same thing with building a tool, for example, or building some kind of visual infographic. Or it could be some kind of video, too.
So there's a bunch of ways, a bunch of different ways to skin a cat, but the idea here is, just making something that's much better than what's out there already.

Neil Patel: Cool, and I think that's it from my end.

Eric Siu: All right. Go to, to check out our marketing goodies to grow your business, and we'll see you tomorrow.

Announcer: This session of Marketing School has come to a close. Be sure to subscribe for More daily marketing strategies and tactics, to help you find the success you've always dreamed of, and don't forget to rate and review, so we can continue to bring you the best daily content possible. We'll see you in class tomorrow right here on Marketing School.

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