In Episode #514, Eric and Neil discuss marketing funnels to convert visitors into customers. Contrary to what you may believe, you don’t need to have a complex funnel, so when you’re just starting off, keep it simple. Tune in to hear specific examples of simple funnels.
Time-Stamped Show Notes:
- [00:28] – Today’s topic: How We Convert Visitors into Customers
- [00:55] – Everyone thinks you’ve got to have these complex marketing funnels, but when you’re starting off, complex funnels are a disaster.
- [01:18] – Start simple. Neil just launched a new website that pitches agency services and his flow is really simple: you put in a URL, they analyze your site, and before they give you the results, you enter in your contact details. That’s it.
- [02:04] – They key, espeically for lead generation, is to give some sort of value before you ask for their information.
- [02:20] – Eric has talked about the use of live chat on your site before, and now it’s even easier. Recently Facebook added the ability for you to add live chat that points directly into Facebook Messenger – and it’s free right now.
- [02:40] – And then you can drive people into a simple, many-chat chat funnel.
- [03:00] – If you visit the Single Grain website and give them your email, they use Clearbit to enrich the lead to figure out what your company is about, what the employee size is, what the revenue count is, and how much money your company has raised.
- [03:35] – Again, give the site visitor something of value, like helping them analyze something, or give them a great piece of content.
- [04:15] – There are so many types of lead funnels you can do, like give away a free book.
- [05:06] – Or offer a free hour-long educational webinar, and then get people to sign up and provide their email. Works for B2B and B2C.
- [05:30] – Check out Russell Brunson’s (co-founder of ClickFunnels) book DotCom Secrets: The Underground Paybook for Growing Your Company Online
- [06:13] – That’s it for today!
- [06:15] – Go to for a special giveaway.
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Full Transcript of The Episode
Speaker 1: Get ready for your daily dose of marketing strategies and tactics from entrepreneurs with the guile and experience to help you find success in any marketing capacity. You're listening to marketing school with your instructors Neil Patel and Eric Siu.
Eric Siu: Welcome to another episode of Marketing School. I'm Eric Siu.
Neil Patel: And I'm Neil Patel.
Eric Siu: And today, we're going to talk about how we convert visitors into customers. It's an inside look into our marketing funnels. So, Neil. Why don't you kick things off?
Neil Patel: So, I more specialize in legion for my own websites. I don't really sell products. We can teach you guys marketing funnels for that as well on this episode as well. We can talk about eCommerce products and book giveaways and stuff like that.
But, just to give you idea on my marketing funnel, everyone talks about like, "Oh, you've gotta have these complex funnel and all these ifs, thens, and if someone goes down this path, show them something else." And yes, you can end up doing that, and it does help boost conversions a little bit here and there, and it all adds up. But, when you're starting off doing complex funnels is just a disaster because you're assuming this is what you need to really maximize your conversion.
I recommend that you start off really simple. So, for example, I just launched a new website, and my website pitches agency services. My flow is really simple. You put in a URL, we analyze your site before we give you the results, you put in all your contact details. That's it, and we base it off of geography. So, if you're in the U.S, U.K., Canada, or Australia, you'll get a lead form. If you're not in those regions, then you end up just getting the results and we don't bug you for your phone number or anything like that. Assuming you're in one of our four main regions, if you put a budget over, let's day, ten grand or something like that per month, what we'll do is we'll then send you to a page where you schedule a call. If you don't pick a budget that's in something that we service, we just send you directly to the report.
But, our funnel's really simple, and the key, especially if you're going to do lead generation is give some sort of value before you ask for their information. So, when you put in a URL, I show you a few sentences analyzing your site, and then I ask you for your information. If you give it to me, I'll give you the rest of the report.
Eric Siu: Yeah. So, one thing I've talked about in the past is the use of live chat on the site, right? Now it's getting even easier. A couple weeks ago, Facebook actually released the ability to add live chat that points directly into Facebook messenger, so you can do that for free right now. Talk to your developers. You can look into it. Then, right after that you can drive people into a mini-chat, kind of chat funnel, right?
But, like Neil says, keep it really simple. If you're going to create any kind of funnel at all, you just want to be able to make it simple, right. You don't have to think about all these logic sequences, all these tags, things like that. Just keep it simple. Keep it stupid, right.
So, live chat's definitely good. I see some other people that basically when they come to the website, and this actually is true for us, too. When you come to our website if we get your email, we're going to use ClearBit to enrich the lead basically to figure out what is the company exactly, what's the revenue size, or what's the employee size I should say, what's the revenue count, and then how much money has that company raised, right?
Also, I can see what technologies that site is using. Then, from there we decide whether we want to reach out or not. So, that's one way we do it. Then, the other way is, like Neil mentioned, give people some value first, right. Whether it's helping them analyze something or giving them some kind of lead magnet, or I guess you have to trade the email for the lead magnet, but giving them like a piece of content, for example, like even a simple blog post. You can listen to the interview I did with Neil a couple years ago where, how he just basically buys, pays for big pieces of content, lots of money, we're talking 30 grand plus, and just gives it away. No email required, right?
Then, from there, you're building goodwill, and you get people onto your email lists or you get them to fill out some kind of form for some kind of free consultation, right? On our site right now, I can tell you we're a little more aggressive at the moment. We changed our exit kind of email popup into a popup that just focuses on getting free consultations, and obviously our conversion rate's going to go higher. But, we are sacrificing a little user experience.
Neil Patel: And you can do so many different types of lead funnels. My buddy Frank [Kern 00:04:18], he does a lead funnel, in which you get a free book. Once you get a free book, then he pushes you into a whole different funnel with upsells and down sells on other products and services. Everyone has different funnels. A lot of eCommerce companies, they'll do it like Orabrush, you get a free tongue cleaner and toothbrush for free, just pay for shipping. They get you to put in a credit card, which is the hardest part, and free is usually a good offer. Then, from there, upsells and down sells.
The key with the really good funnel isn't to just go and sell something for 1,000 bucks or 10,000 or 100,000 dollars, it's to give something small away for a low price, or something small for free as the examples we gave with the free books. If you're in B2B or B2C, you can do the same thing with eCommerce like with the Orabrush example. Or, if you're in an industry in B2B and you're charging people hundreds of thousands of dollars or even thousands of dollars, the free hook could be a webinar that gives you an hour or two of education. People love it. You do Q&A on there, and then within the webinar, you give people an offer to buy a product for 1,000 or 2,000 dollars.
Eric Siu: Yeah. And the thing I'll add around that is yes, it seems complex to people that we're talking about that right now. But, if you want to keep it very simple, you want to dumb it down a little bit ... I shouldn't say dumb it down, but make it easier to understand, just read Russell Brunson's book. He does funnels all the time. He even has ... He's the co-founder of a software called ClickFunnels, so funnels is in his fricking company name. His book is called DotCom Secrets. I highly recommend it. He talks about different funnels that you can be implementing, what you should be doing, how you can build a value ladder, and then just continue to build a kind of loyal and engaged audience by utilizing these funnels, right?
But, again, keep it very simple in the beginning. Focus in. Then, once it starts to work, you start to see good results, then you can think about adding more complexity in the long run.
Neil Patel: Yeah. So, I think that's it from our end. Anything else from you, Eric?
Eric Siu: Nope. That's it. Before we go, just go to for a special giveaway and we'll see you tomorrow.
Speaker 1: This session of Marketing School has come to a close. Be sure to subscribe for more daily marketing strategies and tactics to help you find the success you've always dreamed of. Don't forget to rate and review so we can continue to bring you the best daily content possible. We'll see you in class tomorrow right here on Marketing School.
Eric Siu: Welcome to another episode of Marketing School. I'm Eric Siu.
Neil Patel: And I'm Neil Patel.
Eric Siu: And today, we're going to talk about how we convert visitors into customers. It's an inside look into our marketing funnels. So, Neil. Why don't you kick things off?
Neil Patel: So, I more specialize in legion for my own websites. I don't really sell products. We can teach you guys marketing funnels for that as well on this episode as well. We can talk about eCommerce products and book giveaways and stuff like that.
But, just to give you idea on my marketing funnel, everyone talks about like, "Oh, you've gotta have these complex funnel and all these ifs, thens, and if someone goes down this path, show them something else." And yes, you can end up doing that, and it does help boost conversions a little bit here and there, and it all adds up. But, when you're starting off doing complex funnels is just a disaster because you're assuming this is what you need to really maximize your conversion.
I recommend that you start off really simple. So, for example, I just launched a new website, and my website pitches agency services. My flow is really simple. You put in a URL, we analyze your site before we give you the results, you put in all your contact details. That's it, and we base it off of geography. So, if you're in the U.S, U.K., Canada, or Australia, you'll get a lead form. If you're not in those regions, then you end up just getting the results and we don't bug you for your phone number or anything like that. Assuming you're in one of our four main regions, if you put a budget over, let's day, ten grand or something like that per month, what we'll do is we'll then send you to a page where you schedule a call. If you don't pick a budget that's in something that we service, we just send you directly to the report.
But, our funnel's really simple, and the key, especially if you're going to do lead generation is give some sort of value before you ask for their information. So, when you put in a URL, I show you a few sentences analyzing your site, and then I ask you for your information. If you give it to me, I'll give you the rest of the report.
Eric Siu: Yeah. So, one thing I've talked about in the past is the use of live chat on the site, right? Now it's getting even easier. A couple weeks ago, Facebook actually released the ability to add live chat that points directly into Facebook messenger, so you can do that for free right now. Talk to your developers. You can look into it. Then, right after that you can drive people into a mini-chat, kind of chat funnel, right?
But, like Neil says, keep it really simple. If you're going to create any kind of funnel at all, you just want to be able to make it simple, right. You don't have to think about all these logic sequences, all these tags, things like that. Just keep it simple. Keep it stupid, right.
So, live chat's definitely good. I see some other people that basically when they come to the website, and this actually is true for us, too. When you come to our website if we get your email, we're going to use ClearBit to enrich the lead basically to figure out what is the company exactly, what's the revenue size, or what's the employee size I should say, what's the revenue count, and then how much money has that company raised, right?
Also, I can see what technologies that site is using. Then, from there we decide whether we want to reach out or not. So, that's one way we do it. Then, the other way is, like Neil mentioned, give people some value first, right. Whether it's helping them analyze something or giving them some kind of lead magnet, or I guess you have to trade the email for the lead magnet, but giving them like a piece of content, for example, like even a simple blog post. You can listen to the interview I did with Neil a couple years ago where, how he just basically buys, pays for big pieces of content, lots of money, we're talking 30 grand plus, and just gives it away. No email required, right?
Then, from there, you're building goodwill, and you get people onto your email lists or you get them to fill out some kind of form for some kind of free consultation, right? On our site right now, I can tell you we're a little more aggressive at the moment. We changed our exit kind of email popup into a popup that just focuses on getting free consultations, and obviously our conversion rate's going to go higher. But, we are sacrificing a little user experience.
Neil Patel: And you can do so many different types of lead funnels. My buddy Frank [Kern 00:04:18], he does a lead funnel, in which you get a free book. Once you get a free book, then he pushes you into a whole different funnel with upsells and down sells on other products and services. Everyone has different funnels. A lot of eCommerce companies, they'll do it like Orabrush, you get a free tongue cleaner and toothbrush for free, just pay for shipping. They get you to put in a credit card, which is the hardest part, and free is usually a good offer. Then, from there, upsells and down sells.
The key with the really good funnel isn't to just go and sell something for 1,000 bucks or 10,000 or 100,000 dollars, it's to give something small away for a low price, or something small for free as the examples we gave with the free books. If you're in B2B or B2C, you can do the same thing with eCommerce like with the Orabrush example. Or, if you're in an industry in B2B and you're charging people hundreds of thousands of dollars or even thousands of dollars, the free hook could be a webinar that gives you an hour or two of education. People love it. You do Q&A on there, and then within the webinar, you give people an offer to buy a product for 1,000 or 2,000 dollars.
Eric Siu: Yeah. And the thing I'll add around that is yes, it seems complex to people that we're talking about that right now. But, if you want to keep it very simple, you want to dumb it down a little bit ... I shouldn't say dumb it down, but make it easier to understand, just read Russell Brunson's book. He does funnels all the time. He even has ... He's the co-founder of a software called ClickFunnels, so funnels is in his fricking company name. His book is called DotCom Secrets. I highly recommend it. He talks about different funnels that you can be implementing, what you should be doing, how you can build a value ladder, and then just continue to build a kind of loyal and engaged audience by utilizing these funnels, right?
But, again, keep it very simple in the beginning. Focus in. Then, once it starts to work, you start to see good results, then you can think about adding more complexity in the long run.
Neil Patel: Yeah. So, I think that's it from our end. Anything else from you, Eric?
Eric Siu: Nope. That's it. Before we go, just go to for a special giveaway and we'll see you tomorrow.
Speaker 1: This session of Marketing School has come to a close. Be sure to subscribe for more daily marketing strategies and tactics to help you find the success you've always dreamed of. Don't forget to rate and review so we can continue to bring you the best daily content possible. We'll see you in class tomorrow right here on Marketing School.